Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Where do you fall on the Technology Integration Matrix?

This space left blank (except for the big pink arrow) so I could move my grid down, thus avoiding its running into the right-side menu.

Where do you fall on the Technology Integration Matrix?

Levels of Technology Integration into the Curriculum

The teacher uses technology to deliver curriculum content to students.
The teacher directs students in the conventional use of tool-based software. If such software is available, this level is the recommended.
The teacher encourages adaptation of tool-based software by allowing students to select a tool and modify its use to accomplish the task at hand.
The teacher creates a learning environment that infuses the power of technology tools throughout the day across subject areas.
The teacher creates a rich learning environment in which students regularly engage in activities that would have been impossible to achieve without technology.
Students are actively engaged in using technology as a tool rather than passively receiving information from the technology.
Indicator: Students use technology for drill and practice and computer based training.
Indicator: Students begin to utilize technology tools to create products, for example using a word processor to create a report.
Indicator: Students have opportunities to select and modify technology tools to accomplish specific purposes, for example using colored cells on a spreadsheet to plan a garden.

Indicator:Throughout the school day, students are empowered to select appropriate technology tools and actively apply them to the tasks at hand.
Indicator: Given ongoing access to online resources, students actively select and pursue topics beyond the limitations of even the best school library.

The indicators are not useful; I cannot be at Infusion because I have no control over what my students do “throughout the day across subject areas.”

I encourage students to try different technology applications and to teach me what they’ve learned. We will adjust a lesson mid-stream, in the middle of a class, when we discover a limitation or a better alternative.
Students use technology tools to collaborate with others rather than working individually at all times.
Indicator: Students primarily work alone when using technology.
Indicator: Students have opportunities to utilize collaborative tools, such as email, in conventional ways.
Indicator: Students have opportunities to select and modify technology tools to facilitate collaborative work.
Indicator: Throughout the day and across subject areas, students utilize technology tools to facilitate collaborative learning.
Indicator: Technology enables students to collaborate with peers and experts irrespective of time zone or physical distances.

I have yet to connect with subject experts using communicative and interactive technology, so I cannot be at the Transformation level. I do teach my students how to use tools, such as Google Docs’s chat and commenting features, to continue collaborating anytime/anyplace.
Students use technology tools to build understanding rather than simply receive information.
Indicator:Technology is used to deliver information to students.
Indicator Students begin to utilize constructive tools such as graphic organizers to build upon prior knowledge and construct meaning.

Indicator: Students have opportunities to select and modify technology tools to assist them in the construction of understanding.
Indicator: Students utilize technology to make connections and construct understanding across disciplines and throughout the day.
Indicator: Students use technology to construct, share, and publish knowledge to a worldwide audience.

Creating with technology, like writing, helps students to refine existing knowledge and to construct new knowledge. My students’ work is all over my school webpage for others to learn from. Here’s an example:
Students use technology tools to solve real-world problems meaningul to them rather than working on artificial assignments.
Indicator: Students use technology to complete assigned activities that are generally unrelated to real-world problems.
Indicator: Students have opportunities to apply technology tools to some content-specific activities that are based on real-world problems.
Indicator: Students have opportunities to select and modify technology tools to solve problems based on real-world issues.

Indicator:Students select appropriate technology tools to complete authentic tasks across disciplines.  
Indicator: By means of technology tools, students participate in outside-of-school projects and problem-solving activities that have meaning for the students and the community.

I do not teach in a problem-based/inquiry-based learning environment. I am not good with problem-based learning, though a recent conversation with an AP about a young physics teacher in my building has opened my eyes, and I plan on learning from this kid teacher next year. (Showing my age.)
Goal Directed
Students use technology tools to set goals, plan activities, monitor progress, and evaluate results rather than simply completing assignments without reflection.
Indicator: Students receive directions, guidance, and feedback from technology, rather than using technology tools to set goals, plan activities, monitor progress, or self-evaluate.
Indicator: From time to time, students have the opportunity to use technology to either plan, monitor, or evaluate an activity.

Indicator: Students have opportunities to select and modify the use of technology tools to facilitate goal-setting, planning, monitoring, and evaluating specific activities.
Indicator:Students use technology tools to set goals, plan activities, monitor progress, and evaluate results throughout the curriculum.

Indicator: Students engage in ongoing metacognative activities at a level that would be unattainable without the support of technology tools.

Student goal setting isn’t something I am comfortable with. I’m still all about mastering content for self-improvement and for the grade.

But I can change. I looked at the lesson for the Transformation indicator and have a lesson in mind for the first month of school that will help my kids understand syntax better, which was a goal before doing this matrix. I use kinesthetic activities to help students learn about fee modifiers/syntax and will follow up these lessons with a lesson similar to the one in the Transformation indicator that can serve as a reference tool/self-monitoring tool students can use during the editing process. I will post the lesson here after I get it together.


  1. I didn't see what you had done with your reflection for the longest time. I kept staring while trying to figure out why it looked "different" from the original. You, obviously, have a pretty good grasp of taking parts of technology and making them work.
    Looking at your student work, I love the fact that you are willing to acknowledge that the students are often the best resources! What that must do for feeling ownership in the learning environment.

  2. I would be curious to know how you use Google Docs with your students. I gather (perhaps falsely) that you teach middle or high school. I don't know what would happen if I turned my third graders loose on Google Docs. I am sure they would surprise me with what they could do. Keep up the good work as you are definitely in a better position on the matrix than I!

  3. You make a good point when you say "I have no control over what my students do 'throughout the day across subject areas.'" However, it looks to me like you are equipping your students with technology skills they can use in other subject areas by teaching them how to use tools like Google Docs effectively. I'm impressed!

  4. Thanks for sharing your web page. I enjoyed looking at the student work.
