Thursday, July 11, 2013

Web tools are a great way to showcase assessments.

Cool visual of Bloom's / 2.0:

Web Tools Speed Dating:

Online Presentations
1. Animoto - publish short music videos using images, text, music - professional looking
2. Voicethread - a personal favorite of hers (& mine). Students can make voiceovers and text annotations. Great collaborative tool.
3. Prezi - But I will never choose to watch a Prezi again; they make me dizzy. Apparantely, she's not a fan because she talked about how PowerPoints are still great!
4.Google Docs
5. Slide Share

Mind Maps + Graphic Organizers
1. - simple & easy to use
2. SpicyNodes - turn a graphic organizer into a presentation. Highly engaging.
3. Mind42 - Collaborative nature. The 42 stands for "for two" people

Audio recordings - help prevent cheating online. Give students choices; students will be more successful choosing webtools they are comfortable with.
1. Audacity
2. Podbean
3. Podomatic
4. Screen-cast-o-matic
5. Jing - My personal favorite

The more writing in a virtual class, the better. And collaboration is great.
1. Google apps, especially Google Docs. (Does it kill Microsoft that no one ever mentions 365??)
2. - each student is assigned a specific color. Teacher can run a report - see everything written & deleted. Great for creating interventions for students. Other tools like Etherpad are similar.
3. Todaysmeet - a safe chatroom. Great for instant feedback for both you and your students!

Miscelaneous Resources

1. Animation
a Voki
b. Blabberize (upload a photo. easy & fun)

2. Create a poster
a. - make sure you use the .edu version
b. - create own infogram with statistics students research

3. Comics
a. Toondoo
b. Makes believe comics (how spelled)

4. Website Creation
a. Google Sites
b. Weebly - Kellie Jacobs at Plainfield HS has a neat one - click here
c. Wix
d. Wikis - blank, collaborative webpage. Some teachers have students create a class one over the whole semester, creating their own textbook.

Tell  me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.
Engage me and I'll learn.

Notes from Authentic Assessment in an Online Environment

Challenge for online class: Creating assessments that can't be Googled. Love this phrase!
Must have valid & reliable assessments. What's best practice for traditional is best practice for online.

Traditional = Scantron, low-level / recall. Not critical thinking skills. But needed sometimes.

Alternative = authentic assessment/ performance assessment --> The application of skills. Demonstrate meaningful understanding through some sort of task. Graded with a rubric or checklist. May not have a right/wrong answer.

You want your driver to both be able to pass the driving test and get behind the wheel and know how to drive.  Both recall and performance are needed.

In a virtual classroom, need both types of assessments, just as in a traditional classroom both are vital.

Share rubric of good performance & poor performance. Authentic assessment already lends itself to student originality and creativity so aren't likely to limit students when showing examples and not likely to see copying.

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